Coffee Chats - Fall Time Change sleep Tips

Fall is in the air, and if you live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, like myself, you will agree we have had the best fall in my memory of living here. Regardless of the recent vote about Daylight Savings, we will be turning out clocks back in a few short weeks - November 7, 2021! 

No matter how hard you find this change, let me help you prepare your families for the time change so you can stay as well-rested as possible.

Top Tips for a successful time change

  1. Have a written plan and communicate it with your partner and other caregivers.

  2. Give it time. Most adults will adjust in a day or two, while kids can take up to a week or two.

  3. Change the clocks the night before.

  4. Set the coffee (or your morning beverage) before bed, so it's ready when you wake up.

  5. Get up at your regular time vs enjoying the sleep-in. Drink the coffee and give your kids an extra 15 minutes.

  6. Get outside and use the fresh air to help reset your body clock

  7. Set alarms to keep your meals on the new schedule.

  8. Get to bed at your regular time and be kind when your kids might fight to sleep a little at bedtime.

If you have more questions please book a discovery call 🆓

Happy sleep
