Are you awake right now with your Baby and would rather be sleeping?

Book your 30-minute video call to ask me any sleep questions for only $40

Alison McAdam - Certified Paediatric Sleep Consultant and founder of Cheeky Sleeper.

Alison McAdam - Certified Paediatric Sleep Consultant and founder of Cheeky Sleeper.

My Story

This is a summary of my story so you can appreciate my sincerity and ability to be your choice as a Sleep a Consultant. As a new parent, sleep was at the top of my mind all the time.  Am I ever going to sleep again? How do I teach my little one how to sleep better? Am I doing the right thing to teach her to sleep? Is she safe? Am I doing a great job? I had so many questions as a first-time mom. Strangely I had all the same questions the second time around as well. This is part of the reason I got into Sleep Consulting. Here is just a little glimpse into how my journey started.

When I found out I was expecting my first daughter I was a mix of emotions: happy, nervous, excited to meet her and scared I wouldn’t be enough. My biggest concern was how am I going to get this baby to sleep. I needed my sleep for my sanity but more importantly for my own health. I have Multiple Sclerosis and sleep is one of the best ways I have found to manage this complex disease. 

When our daughter arrived my fears became real but with the steady mind of my husband and support from family and friends, we survived the first few sleepless months. She was a scheduled eater and napper. She woke every 3-4 hours every single night until I taught her the wonders of a full night sleep at 10 months. I have clear memories of sleeping on the floor outside her room for 3 nights as I listened to her protesting cries. It wasn’t easy but I survived and life changed for the better. We were both sleeping better which meant we were happier and more energized for our adventures together. 

My second daughter came into the world as a force to be reckoned with. She wanted the world to know that she was here and an important part of our family (which she was). To be honest, I don't have clear memories of teaching her to sleep. I remember the sleepless nights when she was a newborn, managing trying to get the golden double nap (yes I had my babies 21 months apart) and bottle night feeding her at 6 months while sitting in a chair next to her crib.  Magically at 8 months old, my husband got her to sleep through the night while I was in the hospital for a few nights. It is amazing how our kids can adapt and learn when we give them the chance to do so. 

With both girls, we navigated all the normal changes to their sleep that you will be going through. The sleepless nights, nap transitions, early wake-ups and those toddler bedtime battles, time changes, travel and many more changes that are still challenging me. The important thing I always remembered was ‘this too will pass’. Early bedtimes have continued to be my secret weapon for all these challenges. 

After the arrival of my youngest, my passion for my career in Human Resources dwindled, and the calling to be home with them intensified. My husband was travelling a lot for work so my goal was to create a little more consistency for our girls. We were lucky we could swing it. 

I love to talk and share my experiences as a parent with others. I remember after successfully teaching our eldest to sleep I was often sharing my tips and tricks with other moms. It wasn't till I heard a Paediatric Sleep Consultant (a fellow Family Sleep Institute (FSI) grad) speak that I had a moment when it dawned on me that I should invest and become a sleep consultant. I have always wanted my own business. I eagerly started my education with the Family Sleep Institute and graduated in March 2017. 

Since starting Cheeky Sleeper I have helped 100’s of families improve both their children and parents sleep. 

I’d love you to join my newsletter - where I share little extras, sleep hints and tips, and exclusive discount codes. 

Thank you for coming on this journey with me and I look forward to sharing my love of sleep with you. 

Xx Alison